Direct ad buying.
Direct ad buying.
Find customers using PMPs, open auction, and premium bundles all from one platform.

More efficient supply path.
More efficient supply path.
More efficient supply path.
Humming eliminates steps in the advertising delivery chain to decrease costs, provide cleaner targeting data, and help increase spend to publishers.
Humming eliminates steps in the advertising delivery chain to decrease costs, provide cleaner targeting data, and help increase spend to publishers.
Audience segments.
Experian and Lotame targeting, segments, and specific publishers.
Audience segments.
Experian and Lotame targeting, segments, and specific publishers.
Audience segments.
Experian and Lotame targeting, segments, and specific publishers.
Open Auction.
Reach the greatest number of impressions on sites and apps.
Open Auction.
Reach the greatest number of impressions on sites and apps.
Open Auction.
Reach the greatest number of impressions on sites and apps.
Premium Bundles.
Run ads on premium inventory that our team has hand curated.
Premium Bundles.
Run ads on premium inventory that our team has hand curated.
Premium Bundles.
Run ads on premium inventory that our team has hand curated.
Allow / Block Lists.
Use a custom list of domains, sites, and subdoamins to target or block.
Allow / Block Lists.
Use a custom list of domains, sites, and subdoamins to target or block.
Allow / Block Lists.
Use a custom list of domains, sites, and subdoamins to target or block.
Reach people who have already visited your site or specific page.
Reach people who have already visited your site or specific page.
Reach people who have already visited your site or specific page.
Private Marketplace.
PMPs are a way to bid on prime placements from publishers.
Private Marketplace.
PMPs are a way to bid on prime placements from publishers.
Private Marketplace.
PMPs are a way to bid on prime placements from publishers.
Direct ad buying FAQ's.
Can you reach apps and websites?
Can I target internationally?
What are Premium Bundles?
What's the value of retargeting?
What are the details of a block or allow site list?
What are the benefits of Private Marketplaces (PMPs)?
Can you reach apps and websites?
Can I target internationally?
What are Premium Bundles?
What's the value of retargeting?
What are the details of a block or allow site list?
What are the benefits of Private Marketplaces (PMPs)?
Powerful features - all done for you.

Powerful features - all done for you.

Powerful features - all done for you.